Citrix XenApp Client 12.1 Released


The new Citrix Online Plugin 12.1 was released last week and the new interface looks really good. Hopefully we now got a working bug free client. In my opinion there have been way to many bugs after Citrix went from the old style Citrix XenApp Client to the new Citrix Online Plugin supporting the HDX features.

I highly recommend you taking a look at Citrix Merchandising server to manage your Citrix clients, but it is pretty easy to upgrade your existing clients as well. This could be done with Microsoft SCCM or by using a startup script in Active Directory. Citrix have created a script that propably uninstall existing clients and install the new version. I have used this script at many clients and it simply works.

The unattended script can be found here : Sample Script to Install CitrixOnlinePluginFull.exe


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Friday 28th of Match 2025

7 thoughts on “Citrix XenApp Client 12.1 Released”

  1. Hi Trond,

    I’m running XenApp 6 with all HotFixes etc. and have published this latest client in WI 5.3, but the strange thing is that this “Settings” tab that you have picture of in this article isn’t showing??? If I use same machine and Citrix client (v12.1) to connect to an older XenApp 4.5 it shows??? Tried google it, but nothing… Have you experienced this issue??? BTW; I’m also using CSG on this XenApp 6 server, but also the same on the old 4.5 which works, but ofcourse an older version of CSG…

  2. Hi again Trond,

    Never mind the question above… Found out that it was default disabled with WI 5.1 or newer. Just uncommented the “ShowDesktopViewer” in WebInterface.conf file… All good! Thanx! 😉

  3. Hi!
    Is the onlineplugin a replacement for citrix reciever?
    Im setting up a test environment with SecurEnvoy pass codes. And I can not get it to work with reciever. So I was looking into if the onlineplugin would “replace” reciever. But after installing the onlineplugin I can not launch desktop. It doesnt seem to reckognize .ica files at all anymore.

    • Hi Terje,

      Citrix Receiver is the next generation Citrix Client replacing the old Citrix Online Plugin. With or without SecurEnvoy should’nt matter cause these settings are saved in the ICA file associated with the Citrix Receiver. So probably you’re having problems on IE9, FF or Chrome? Have you tried the newest Citrix Receiver – ?

  4. Realy, ICAClient on XebApps is realy a pain on non windows 🙁 We are trying since ours to get a server indicating a v11 client (that does not work) to run the latest v12 client … which also does not work 🙁

    Pain in the a**


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