Windows 365 – Migrate Office 365 from x32 to x64


The dream situation for any consultant is a green field deployment starting from scratch using the default image gallery with Office 365 x64 for Windows 365. However most implementations would be a migration from one to another and most likely running Office x32. In this post I’ll cover the easiest way to migrate from Office x32 to x64.

In my current Digital Transformation project we’re getting more and more requests for Office 365 x64 due to heavy Excel users. However our end goal for the project is clearly to move all user from the current Core Application Office 365 x32 to x64. This includes some work by our Subject Matter Experts (SME) and the first natural step would be to migrate them to x64. In a future post I’ll share a script that automatically detects what plugin architecture to install.

Luckily Microsoft have made the migration easy when they create the MigrateArch option in the XML file for the Office Deployment Toolkit. A great feature is that MigrateArch will preserve all the installed products, languages and other deployment settings. Below are the XML file we’re currently using to migrate our users to x64 via Company Portal.


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