Windows 365 – Automated Win32App Factory using Private Repo


After the post Windows 365 – Building an Automated Win32App Factory using Evergreen, PMPC and WinGet I was asked on Twitter about other software. In other words, how can we add licensed software or a repackaged MSI as explained in the post Windows 365 – Application Packaging Best Practices 2022 to the Win32App Factory Framework?

It’s quite simple actually, just upload your software to your preferred CDN and set the ACL to Public. I’ve been using Amazon S3 for ages and are super happy with both price and performance. My preferred application for working with CDN’s are CloudBerry Explorer.

I have updated my PowerShell script which you can find here to include Private Repo.

In the first example below we have Bloomberg Terminal which have a public URL we can use instead of Private Repo. The URL is the only difference here.

In the second example below we have the repackaged Pipe Fitter application from the last blog post.

Now with all this automated, imaging your SME’s uploading their new software version to the company’s private repo and creating a pull request on Git for the changes in the XML file?


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Friday 28th of Match 2025

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