Running Nutanix Clusters on AWS


Today Nutanix launched their Nutanix Clusters on AWS service. As a Technical Champion I’ve been lucky to get early beta access. I think this is amazing and will save companies huge amounts of money.

First click here to start your 30 day free trial of Nutanix Clusters.

From the My Nutanix Portal click Launch on Nutanix Clusters. First thing you need to do is to configure your Cloud Account and Data Centers. Also remember to click the Verify button to prepare your AWS account with CloudFormation.

Running Nutanix Clusters on AWS

Creating a Cluster is straight forward, but I recommended you to let the wizard create a new VPC for you. That way all the required resources are configured automatically.

z1d.metal is the cheapest bare metal server on AWS (depends on region). Since this is just for demo purpose writing this blog the number of host and redundancy factor will be set to 1.

I’m selecting Scheduled Cluster Termination.

When you select Cluster termination the schedule is automatically set to 3 hours.

The Cluster creating process normally takes 3 minutes. I think this is the CloudFormation provisioning part.

Then it goes into the creating process where it will create all the stuff in AWS. Keep an eye on the EC2 Management Console.

Launching the Nutanix Cluster

35 minutes later the Cluster is running and all the required Resources has been created.

To be able to reach the Nutanix Clusters on AWS you need to click Load Balancers in the EC2 Dashboard to find the external DNS Name. Please be aware that it might takes some time before the DNS record is publicly available. You can also find it in the Nutanix Clusters Details.

Log in with admin – nutanix/4u. This will ask you to create a new password for the cluster admin. Login in with the new password and Accept the EULA.

Prism Element in Amazon AWS.

Prism Element in AWS

To get start head to Admin – Settings – Image Configuration and select to Upload Image from URL. Make sure to upload both a Windows 2019 Evaluation and VirtIO ISO.

Here’s the prices for the AWS Instances. The cheapest z1d on a 3 year contract is $1152 per month per node. Please be aware the Nutanix Clusters Control Plane subscription costs comes on top of this.


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