Install Custom Applications In Turbo


Turbo contains thousands of pre-made applications that are upgraded automatically by Turbo when the various vendors comes out with a new releases.

So after reading my last post Getting Started with Turbo you’re probably eager to learn how to install custom applications. It’s really simple, let’s get started.

The first thing you need to do is copy your EXE or MSI installer to C:\Installers

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To give the new isolate container access to the Installers folder you’ll need to “poke a hole” by using the mount command.

Please make note of the [container-id] that you’ll need later.

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Run the install command and go through the setup wizard as you normally would.

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When finished type exit to leave the container.

Now you’ll need to commit the changes and give your container a friendly name.

By default turbo run iZoTope will only open the command prompt, so you need to specify the path to the executable.

All good, time to push the application to your Turbo Hub.

Head over to your account and add an icon to the application.

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Run an update to get your new application.

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All good. It’s really cool but I would like to be able to change the rather strange icon name.

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That’s it, let’s Turbo!


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Friday 30th of September 2022

2 thoughts on “Install Custom Applications In Turbo”

  1. Hi,
    Is this possible with Word, Excel, PowerPoint ? the individual app.
    for 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 ?

    What about custom apps updates ?



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