In blog post Citrix Receiver 4 with Domain Pass-Through I explained how to configure Citrix Receiver automatically inside a Hosted Desktop OS or Server OS with XenDesktop 7. That being the old style ICA in ICA.
So what’s needed to configure this automatically on the clients end point device? That’s a question I’ve gotten a lot from my customers which I provide free support to through my membership sites xenapptraining and appv5training.
The Group Policy configuration, the StoreFront Configuration and the Trusted Sites / Local intranet still applies as describe in the previous blog post mentioned above.
What’s different is the installation script which looks like this:
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@ECHO OFF REM This is used to deploy and configure Citrix Receiver for Windows 7/8 REM Set variables SET SOURCE=%~dp0 SET SOURCE=%SOURCE:~0,-1% IF NOT DEFINED LOGDIR SET LOGDIR=%SystemRoot%\TEMP SET OPTIONS= SET OPTIONS=/QUIET SET OPTIONS=%OPTIONS% /silent SET OPTIONS=%OPTIONS% /includeSSON SET OPTIONS=%OPTIONS% /ALLOWADDSTORE=N SET OPTIONS=%OPTIONS% /STORE0="AppStore;https://xdc-01.ctxlab.local/Citrix/Store/discovery;on;Corporate Apps" PUSHD "Citrix Receiver and Plug-ins\Windows\Receiver" REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Citrix /f /v EnableFTU /t REG_DWORD /d 0 START /WAIT CitrixReceiver.exe %OPTIONS% COPY "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Citrix Receiver.lnk" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\Citrix Receiver.lnk |
Here’s a description to what the script does:
- /includeSSON : Enables Pass-through authentication
- /ALLOWADDSTORE=N : Disables the Configuration Wizard
- /STORE0=”AppStore : Your StoreFront Store
- REG ADD : Disables the Configuration Wizard
- COPY : Copies the shortcut to the StartUp folder
So while I was writing this blog post and testing it to make sure it works in production I also integrated it to my new XenDesktop 7 Automation Framework.
So now, not only can you automatically deploy and configure various flavors of XenDesktop 7, you can do the same with the end point client operation system.
So when a users logs into his computer it’s already configured with Pass-Through to StoreFront. So the users is taken straight to the Store without any configuration required. That’s an awesome User Experience (UX).
Join the 2000+ others that have already gone through my Free Citrix XenDesktop 7 Boot Camp.
Why not just add the store to the Citrixica.adm policy under the storefront account list ?
Or is this something different ?
Nice, this helped me out 😀
Nice. Haven’t found something this concise yet. Good stuff, thanks!
Thanks, you’re welcome.