Citrix XenDesktop 3.0 FP1 POC hosted on VMware ESX 3.5


vmware xendesktop citrix poc

I am working on a new Citrix XenDesktop Proof of Concept (POC) hosted on VMware ESX. During the setup I discovered some error messages I would like to share with you.

Error : “The hosting infrastructure could not be reached at the specified address”

Solution :

  1. Create a host file entry that resolves vmare to the IP address of your VirtualCenter Server. Do this on the Desktop Delivery Controller (DDC) and the Provisioning Services Server (PVS).
  2. Import the certificate from the Virtual Center Server (%systemdrive%Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataVMwareVMware VirtualCenterSSLrui.crt) into the trusted root authority for Computer Account – Local Computer (used the Certificate MMC to accomplish this). Do this on the DDC and PVS.
  3. Use https://vmware/sdk in the XenDesktop Setup Wizard.

Error : “No device license is currently available for this computer. A system shutdown will be initiated in 5 minutes. To avoid loss of data, save your network now and close all applications”.

Solution :

  1. Download and install Citrix Licensing Server 11.6.1
  2. Restart the PVS Services to acquire a new license

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Friday 28th of Match 2025

4 thoughts on “Citrix XenDesktop 3.0 FP1 POC hosted on VMware ESX 3.5”

  1. I’ve updated the license server to 11.6.1 with no success. I still receive the message that the system will shutdown after 5 minutes which it does. Any other thoughts? I’m using evaluation licenses which were fine prior to uninstalling PVS 5.0 and installing PVS 5.1. All other functionality in the PVS Console works as expected.

    • Did you remember to restart the Provisioning Services ? I had the same issue, and at first forgot to restart the PVS. Depending on your license, you can also try to change the type of license, DataCenter / Desktop license in the PVS Console.

  2. From Citrix Forum :

    In case anyone comes across this thread like I did, I had a similar problem with XenDesktop 3.0 after replacing PVS 5.0 with a PVS 5.1 server.

    To resolve it, I had to upgrade the license server to the one included on the PVS 5.1 install media, and regenerate a new license file, remove the existing XenDesktop licence file, and apply the new one.


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