Citrix WebInterface with White Theme


Citrix has released CTX119509 showing you how to make your Web Interface site using a White Theme instead of the default Carbon Fiber Black look. Really looking forward to when it’s as easy as WordPress when it comes to changing your look of your Web Interface Site. has some nice ones but they are starting at $1500…




Automation Framework Community Edition

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Friday 28th of Match 2025

4 thoughts on “Citrix WebInterface with White Theme”

  1. have you tested this? I’ve just tested it on WI 5.1.1 and some of the screens looks crap due to some bitmapsizes that don’t fit :-/

    I’ve got to try it on other WI installations to see if it’s just an accident or a “bug”

    • I have tested this on WI 5.0. Could you please specifiy which screens looks crap and then I could give it a go in my lab

  2. I just installed it on my test site. On the messages screen and the preferences screen their are some images that do not display properly. I really need to mod it to a green theme anyway though so this won’t work. Does any one know where all the style sheets are for these themes? I can only find one @ ./XenApp/html/styles/basicStyle.css and it doesn’t seem to be the only sheet for changing styles.


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