How to stay up to date on industry news


Staying up to date on news on a day to day basis is pretty easy with Twitter, but after a longer vacation this is almost impossible or to time consuming. I just returned back home after 3 weeks in Brazil and was up to date on emails and news in a couple of hours. Even tough is possible to be online, my vacation is holy which means no work stuff!

Most of the news published on Twitter comes from blog posts so I wanted to share my RSS Feed list. I also reorganized the order with the most frequently updated feeds on top of my Google Reader. When it comes to emails I spent some time in the last couple of months creating Outlook / Gmail rules for Citrix forum posts, newsletters, customers, unsubscribing from useless newsletters e.g. I also started reading at the top of my Inbox since many problems do get solved even when YOU are out of office.

Please feel free to leave comments on your methods and favorite RSS feeds.


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Friday 28th of Match 2025

2 thoughts on “How to stay up to date on industry news”

  1. you should add your site to the list 🙂 At the moment your blog is definitely one of my favorites.


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