Going through the StatPress logs I discovered that a lot you are having problems with Acrobat Reader 9 on Terminal Server and are really fed up with Adobe Support. So I decided to make a script for installing the free CutePDF Writer and FoxIt Reader.
First of all you have to download GPL Ghostscript 8.15 and extract it with WinZip to your Source catalog and then CutePDF Writer 2.71
Here is an example of an unattended script :
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[sourcecode language="plain"] @echo off REM Install CutePDF Writer 2.71 REM ScriptFrameWork by Joe Shonk - www.theshonkproject.com REM Customized by Trond Eirik Haavarstein - www.xenappblog.com pushd %~dp0 cd .. set AppSourcePath=Source set AppConfigPath=Configuration set AppInstallPath=Scripts set AppHotfixesPath=Hotfixes set Switches=/verysilent cls echo. echo Installing CutePDF Writer 2.71 echo. cd %AppSourcePath% start /wait setup.exe /silent start /wait CuteWriter.exe %Switches% popd endlocal [/sourcecode] |