The new version of Adobe Reader is out and it’s supposed to be faster and better. Though the integrated Shockwave & FlashPlayer will be interesting in a Terminal Server Environment.
I’ve created a script for silent installation :
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[sourcecode language="plain"] @echo off REM Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 REM Written by Trond Eirik Haavarstein pushd %~dp0 cd .. set AppSourcePath=%CD%Source set AppConfigPath=%CD%Configuration set AppInstallPath=%CD%Scripts set AppHotfixesPath=%CD%Hotfixes set LogFile1="%temp%AcrobatReader90.log" set Switches=/qn ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT="ReallySuppress" set MST=TRANSFORMS=1044.mst cls echo. echo Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 echo. cd %AppSourcePath% start /wait msiexec /i "AcroRead.msi" %mst% %switches% /liewa %LOGFILE1% REG ADD "HKLMSOFTWAREAdobeAcrobat Reader9.0AdobeViewer" /V EULA /t REG_DWORD /d "00000001" /f REG ADD "HKLMSOFTWAREAdobeAcrobat Reader9.0AdobeViewer" /V Launched /t REG_DWORD /d "00000001" /f REG ADD "HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesAdobeAcrobat Reader9.0FeatureLockdown" /v bUpdater /d 0 /t REG_DWORD /f popd endlocal [/sourcecode] |
Good post.
Does this fix the problem of running Adobe 9 on a Citrix server with roaming profiles turned on?
There is no problems that I’m aware of running Adobe 9 in Terminal Server environement with romaing proiles. But ofcourse it depends on your romaing profiles settings.
The issue with Adobe 9 isn’t due to roaming profiles, it’s due to folder redirection on AppData and yes it’s still a problem.
We don’t redirect APP data, though we do redirect other folders (documents, desktop, etc). However, Windows Server 2008 (TS) does use a UNC on the appdata path and thus causes the same problem. No fix yet for this that I’ve found (other than some scripts to change appdata to a drive letter instead of a UNC).
In case anyone comes across this post, the %AppData% redirection problem was fixed in subsequent versions of Adobe Reader 9.0. Upgrade to 9.1.x and you should have no problems.